Spill Movie Reviews

They Talk Shit About Me (Ft. Verbz)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

X-Men: First Class - School Is Back In Session

According to reports from CBR the prequel to the X-Men movies, X-Men: First Class is on its way. FoX is fighting to hold on to that X-Men movie contract so the neXt movie is possibly coming out summer of neXt year. Bryan Singer, the talented director who did the first two x-men films wrote and is producing the prequel. This sounds like really good news, I only hoping that the studio keep Wolverine and his annoying claws out of this one. It's about time somebody put the X back in X-Men. I was really starting to tire of those W-Men films where Wolverine did almost everything. If the cast of the movie is anything like the comic book of the same name the original 5 X-Men [Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Iceman, Marvel Girl/Jean] will be featured here. X-fans have been patiently waiting for Singer's return and with support and less Wolverine this could be the best X-Film yet.