Spill Movie Reviews

They Talk Shit About Me (Ft. Verbz)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beyoncé & Justin - Single Ladies Videos

Beyoncé's Single Ladies Video Shoot with Justin Timberlake from Saturday Night Live.
Who doesn't like insight into the behind the scenes making of a hit music video?

The original video can be viewed here:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Original New Mutants Are Back!

new mutants Pictures, Images and Photos
The Originals Get Better With Age

The New Mutants have always been a high profile distinct group right up there comparable with the top notch X-Men. Since inception, their diversity, history and strength of character has been what made this title stand out among the many x-teams. During the initial run certain characters like Magma, Warlock, Mirage and Karma have fallen to the way side. Others like Cannonball, Wolfsbane & Sunspot have been used on numerous occasions throughout the 90s but this era suffered from weak story lines from time to time. I'm overjoyed that the title will relaunch giving some focus to the much more mature and eXperienced mutants. If anything near the attention to detail that was placed on New X-Men volume two is shown here it will be an overnight success like back in its heyday. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens neXt especially with all the x-books being of such a high caliber at this point in time. The characters have grown with us and it's going to be interesting seeing them take their lives and the future of the dying mutant race to the neXt level. The first issue is already out and if it's any indication we're off to a great start. Here's to at least another 100 issues of New Mutants.

Legion (David Haller) son of Professor X and Gabrielle Haller. This autistic mutants manifested three personalities each with a different mutant ability:
I.) Telekinesis: moving & manipulation of physical objects - adventurous adult male personality
II.) Telepathy: control and projection of the mind - personality of a terrorist
III.) Pyrokinesis: creation & control of fire - defiant young female personality

Anybody who doesn't find Charles Xavier intriguing needs to have their head eXamined. The dynamics of his life and the people in it always made for good story telling. David scored big by having Charles as his dad. However he really won the popularity award just by being as intriguing, human and vulnerable like his dad despite being an eXtremely powerful mutant. This is a child that has been caught in the crossfire or a war between two races human and mutant as well as a broken family. There was never any lack of love from his parents but his mutation and mental condition placed him in a category all of his own. His mind like his life is in permanent fluX and no matter how crazy it gets I never get bored or tired of it. Like any other child he just wants to be recognised and loved by his parents especially his father Charles. It's going to be interesting (to say the least) to see where Legion goes from here.

Danielle Moonstar (previously called Psyche, Mirage) all beautiful names.

Prior to the events of House of M where she was depowered, Moonstar could:
I.) create realistic holographic illusion in her victims
II.) She had a psionic link with animals
III.) She could manifest fear in the form of a psychic arrow to render a person unconscious after being shot.
IV.) Dani was once a Valkyrie with a white Pegasus, connections to Asgard the mystical realm and able to perceive impending death before it occurred. The death of her pegasus, Brightwind changed this somewhat. I'm looking forward to any further development here.

Dani was always a proud cheyenne warrior with formidable fighting skills as well as undeveloped mystical abilities. The possibilities with her are limitless. This is a woman that is dynamic in every sense of the word and when she makes a move everybody takes note.

Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
There have been many siblings and other family connections in the world of the X-Men. The bond between Illyana and her big brother, the x-man Colossus is by far the most interesting sibling relationship. This brother sister duo proved that no matter how much life changed they were always there for each other. The once thought dead sorceress queen of a hellish dimension and mutant temporal teleporter has a lot on her plate right now. Returning at a time when her family has grown and her best friend and brother's girlfriend seemingly sacrificed her life to save the planet Earth. Personally I think our little snowflake deserves some hope and happiness in her life. She has sacrificed so much and tried relentlessly to aid others in the past. Magik has proved that no matter how bad life gets all you need is hope and love to make magic happen.

The New Mutants from back in the day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Was Superb!

After having so many mothers day events that were good, it's safe to say this year is my favorite so far. I had nothing planned for mom this year and honestly I didn't remember until the day itself. As Shebada would say it crept up on me like Smirnoff Ice. After talking with friends Sunday morning and hearing their plans I decided to join in on the celebration. So I got tickets to see "Bashment Granny 2" for me and my mom through my friend Princess (thanks a million).

Continuing the trend of previous years I told mom to chillaX and be ready by X time. Fast forward a few hours later - Mom's looking stunning! I met up with two of my best friends, Shenelle & Princess and their lovely mothers at Mass Camp. The place was ram and being early meant nothing as the super fans & moms seem to have slept there overnight or had no other plans for the day. We tried to find better seats closer to the stage but ended up in a blind spot at the front and centre of the audience due to poor planning. This location was Butu filled, sought after and very entertaining to put it mildly. After the show began and realising the view was unworkable we relocated to the back of the audience where the crowd was thinner and the view was less obstructed. I was even fortunate enough to run into my dad and his friends. We enjoyed the rest of the gut busting, laughtastic show. When the show was very close to ending we made our way towards the eXit and sadly didn't get to bid my pops farewell.

Later we took our mothers to Cuddy's who tried catering for football fans by opening @ 6:30 a.m. and then mother's day patrons later. They were half an hour from closing but graciously welcomed us into their establishment and catered to our dire need of nourishment. We even got free tea. Woo-hoo! Shebada entertained us @ Mass Camp and the mothers led by Shenelle's mom took over @ our late dinner. We laughed (sometimes a bit too loudly), ate, talked and shared food. It was a most memorable occasion with three wonderful, youthful, beautiful, caring mothers. The day may have been dedicated to mothers but we all enjoyed ourselves immensely. I can't wait to see what we have planned for our fathers later and neXt year when mother's day comes around again. Big shout out to all the mothers around the world who support your family and build great nations. You are the backbone of any good society. Continue doing your work at the hardest job because it's reward is one of the greatest.

Mothers, daughters & family
Tonight's Cast

moms of a feather...has a certain ring to it

Mothers, Daughters & Son
our version of one of us one of them

Mothers definitely rock
this is all them

no glasses version
Jus look pan di picture already

A Mother & her Daughter
Like mother like daughter?

Mothers' Angels
Charlie's Angels look out

The Queen, Princess & Daughta
The royal family

Me & Mom not so way back when
This was us then

I like dis one
Worth a thousand words & then some

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Batman VS Superman

Click on image for larger version.
Read and laugh.

from this website:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where the Magic Happens

My portal to the world, my Acer PC.

my big screen & monitor in 1
This is my wide screen monitor/HD TV, part of the package of my Acer 2nd generation PC. I spend countless hours before it wasting away my eye sight which is no longer 20/20. On the bright they still work and it's not how well you see it's the awesomeness of what you see. Isn't that X-Force wallpaper the greatest?

My computer desk that came in a boX and was assembled by yours truly. I've had that thing since my 1st PC in 2000. If you observe carefully you will see my enhanced music CDs; some movie DVDs (e.g. Elektra, Smallville); and Nintendo Game Cube games with X-Men Legends leading the pack.

The biggest eXternal harddrive I own thus far it's a terabyte. It's working great so far and doesn't heat up (even when I fall asleep leaving it on with no fan in my room).

My other eXternal harddrives (more coming soon >>>)

the mousepad
Side view of my seXy, comfortable mouse pad.

(more coming soon >>>)