Spill Movie Reviews

They Talk Shit About Me (Ft. Verbz)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The New X-Force (Again)

The cast of X-Force: Warpath, X-23, Wolverine and Wolfsbane. Other members not pictured: Archangel, Domino, Vanisher and Elixir.

The new X-Force that was launched in 2007 by the eXtremely talented artist Clayton Crain, writers Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost, was simply breathtaking. Marvel release a teaser of the new cast of this team appearing July. While I will miss every single person from the last book and it's cast I'm hopeful that the new direction and art will equally entertaining or at least half that amount.

The newerer X-Force. Can you guess who they are?

Since I first saw this image I immediately recognised Angel (above) and Fantomex (to the right). Although the person on top could be somebody else with an extremely large cape (I really doubt it). The other two had me thinking Psylocke (extreme left) and Gambit (center). The middle one is tricky because the character has something looking like a shield blotted out. My second choice neXt to Gambit would be Nightcrawler because he's the only other person that would use a sword. I had fun with this one and if I only get one right then that would mean Marvel is doing much better at surprising me with these teasers.

Friday, April 23, 2010

X-Fan Art By MabusRex

I apologise for the long break in updates. I'm going to be spending less time here but whenever I can I'll be adding some new things.

I was surfing the web when I discovered an x-fan sprite artist, MabusRex so I had to share. I thought his work had disappeared from the Internet a few years so I was really happy. Those of you who don't know sprites are those little 2D video game characters. Below are a few samples of his work.

PhotobucketArchangel - NEWX-Force - NEWPhotobucketPhotobucket
X-Force: Archangel, Warpath, Wolverine, X-23, Juggernaut, Domino

PhotobucketSurgeProdigyPhotobucketPhotobucketAnole - NEWWinddancerMercuryPhotobucket
New X-Men: Icarus, Surge, Prodigy, Elixir, Dust, Anole, Wind Dancer, Mercury, Angel

PhoenixPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketWolverinePhotobucketNightcrawlerShadowcatPhotobucketMarrowMaggottNorthstarPolarisPhotobucketPhotobucketMarvel GirlPhotobucketPhotobucket
X-Men: Phoenix, Cyclops, White Queen, Chamber, Wolverine, Cable, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Colossus Marrow, Maggott, Northstar, Polaris, Havok, Marvel Girl, Husk, Jubilee

X-Treme X-Men: Beast, Storm, Psylocke, Bishop, Rogue, Gambit, Sage

PhotobucketPhotobucketMagik - ExilesMagmaWolfsbaneMoonstarSunspot
New Mutants: Cannonball, Karma, Magik, Magma, Wolfsbane, Moonstar, Sunspot

Venus DeeMiloOrphanU-Go GirlVivisectorPhotobucketPhatAnarchistPhotobucketPhotobucket
X-Statix: Venus DeeMilo, Orphan, U-Go Girl, Vivisector, Doop, Phat, Anarchist, Dead Girl, El Guapo

Sunfire - ExilesPhotobucketMimic - ExilesNocturne - ExilesMorph - ExilesSasquash - ExilesNamora - Exiles
Exiles: Sunfire, Blink, Mimic, Nocturne, Morph, Sasquash, Namora

SirynMultiple ManMRictorMeltdownWildchild
X-Factor: Siryn, Multiple Man, M, Rictor, Meltdown, Wild Child

Professor Xavier


Abyss - AnimatedToadSauronSabretooth
Villains: Abyss, Toad, Sauron, Sabretooth

Allies: Deadpool, Fantomex, Lifeguard

Here is a link to MabusRex photobucket page where you can see more of his work.