Spill Movie Reviews

They Talk Shit About Me (Ft. Verbz)

Friday, April 23, 2010

X-Fan Art By MabusRex

I apologise for the long break in updates. I'm going to be spending less time here but whenever I can I'll be adding some new things.

I was surfing the web when I discovered an x-fan sprite artist, MabusRex so I had to share. I thought his work had disappeared from the Internet a few years so I was really happy. Those of you who don't know sprites are those little 2D video game characters. Below are a few samples of his work.

PhotobucketArchangel - NEWX-Force - NEWPhotobucketPhotobucket
X-Force: Archangel, Warpath, Wolverine, X-23, Juggernaut, Domino

PhotobucketSurgeProdigyPhotobucketPhotobucketAnole - NEWWinddancerMercuryPhotobucket
New X-Men: Icarus, Surge, Prodigy, Elixir, Dust, Anole, Wind Dancer, Mercury, Angel

PhoenixPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketWolverinePhotobucketNightcrawlerShadowcatPhotobucketMarrowMaggottNorthstarPolarisPhotobucketPhotobucketMarvel GirlPhotobucketPhotobucket
X-Men: Phoenix, Cyclops, White Queen, Chamber, Wolverine, Cable, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Colossus Marrow, Maggott, Northstar, Polaris, Havok, Marvel Girl, Husk, Jubilee

X-Treme X-Men: Beast, Storm, Psylocke, Bishop, Rogue, Gambit, Sage

PhotobucketPhotobucketMagik - ExilesMagmaWolfsbaneMoonstarSunspot
New Mutants: Cannonball, Karma, Magik, Magma, Wolfsbane, Moonstar, Sunspot

Venus DeeMiloOrphanU-Go GirlVivisectorPhotobucketPhatAnarchistPhotobucketPhotobucket
X-Statix: Venus DeeMilo, Orphan, U-Go Girl, Vivisector, Doop, Phat, Anarchist, Dead Girl, El Guapo

Sunfire - ExilesPhotobucketMimic - ExilesNocturne - ExilesMorph - ExilesSasquash - ExilesNamora - Exiles
Exiles: Sunfire, Blink, Mimic, Nocturne, Morph, Sasquash, Namora

SirynMultiple ManMRictorMeltdownWildchild
X-Factor: Siryn, Multiple Man, M, Rictor, Meltdown, Wild Child

Professor Xavier


Abyss - AnimatedToadSauronSabretooth
Villains: Abyss, Toad, Sauron, Sabretooth

Allies: Deadpool, Fantomex, Lifeguard

Here is a link to MabusRex photobucket page where you can see more of his work.

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