Spill Movie Reviews

They Talk Shit About Me (Ft. Verbz)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Wolvie Trailers

Here are some more videos...

Here's another neo tv spot:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Digital Art / Photography

Here are some pictures that I found that caught my eye and brain. A picture is said to be worth a thousand words so this entry's pictures will make up for my lack of comments.

The images are from here:

Saturday, March 7, 2009

LA Lewis di real entainer

If you live in Jamaica especially Kingston or Portmore you would have come across graffiti strewn up on many walls or back alley ways. You've probably seen the words "LA Lewis" among the lot. Are you curious to find out about the man whose alias is being displayed all over the city? A musician/graffiti artist that is extremely exclusive to the native masses. Listen to the interview he conducted with Simone cooper Clarke and Rodney Campbell on Fame FM, if you dare! Beware this is not what you are expecting it to be and nothing is quite what it seem.

Until I find out how to upload, audio file can be obtained from http://www.zshare.net/audio/543862051a80c69b/.

My least favorite X-Man? Probably Wolverine

What does Wolverine do that make him so important? Heal. Fight. Protect. Teach. Elixir Heals better and he can do it for others as well. Nightcrawler fights better if he had training and learn to use other weapons he'd be on par or better than Wolvie. On the issue of protecting. lol Did anybody see X-Men 2? I always said if the X-Men had left the kids in Nightcrawler's care nobody would have been captured. Plus there's the added bonus that the guy attracts blood thirsty psychopaths like Sabretooth, Deathstryke and Weapon X goons. Not that I'm hating on your hero (we'll I am) but like a lot of people (not just x-fans, avengers anyone?) I just hate it when Logan steal the spotlight from everybody. Be honest who thought Wolverine robbed the spotlight in the x-movies?

Leading the X-Men in their new cartoon was also another STUPID move. He's no way near leadership material especially compared to Storm, Cyclops or Nightcrawler, even on a bad day. Anybody thinking that he's great at directing the new X-Force don't even go there he's just filling in for Scott the real leader. I've also noticed that all the girls flock to the other guys Scott keep getting hitched with the telepaths, Angel sweep all the new girls off their feet and even Beast is constantly taken up with the humans despite his appearance.

The best thing about Wolverine is hands down the fact that he's played by the talented Hugh Jackman. In my opinion X-23 can do anything James can do better. She's just a killer-bred teenager but I imagine she will eXcel his standards in the future, more so when she finally inherit those heightened senses. In spit of everything I've said though I emplore you all to go see the Wolverine movie if not for Wolverine do it for:
- Hugh Jackman (he amazingly talented and the only reason I even have an ounce of respect for James/Logan or whatever name he's gonna get neXt).
- The future of X-Men movies (where hopefully Wolvie will be part of the team not the whole team).
- All the other mutants appearing like Gambit, Cyclops, kid Storm, young Emma, Deadpool, Beak, Agent Zero, Blob Sabretooth and Jason (William Stryker's son). [Is it just me or is this movie compensating for Wolvie's lack of strong storytelling?]
Anyway, just go see it so that other characters like Deadpool can get their movies green lit and the x-franchise baton can be passed on to more worthy persons. Besides with this much x-men the sequel could be lacking Wolverine. Since his real friends on the x-men (Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Colossus, Jean, Cable, Rogue, Psylocke, Bishop, Forge, Juggernaut, Prof X, Jubilee, X-23, Domino, Marrow, Mystique) are missing. All things considered though, I'm confident this will be a very good movie. And remember ladies cheer for Gambit, Cyclops and Deadpool like you did for the men in Lord of the Rings so they get their own shot @ hollywood.

Go to CBR for a larger version http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=video&show_id=66442

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sunshine Shone Saturday Night as Tanya Stephens and Tanya 2.0 Collide

Salina aka Tanya 2.0 had Fun Saturday night when she finally met her favorite singer for the first time. Tanya Stephens was given the heads up that her #1 fan was at Jordu in 7th Avenue. Upon entering the venue Tanya Stephens was greeted by event planner Princess who indicated this person to be Salina. The original must have seen something strange and scary in her admiree as she made her fingers into a crucifiX. The live performance began to Salina's delight who was front row center in the crowd. Tanya Stephens began with a few of her personal selections. A short time later I arrived with Nichola, Shenelle and Scott to finalise the audience.

This is where I was greeted to not one but 2 Tanya's on stage. The entertainer took requests from the audience which was led by - guess who? As this practice continued the crowd and Tanya Stephens became more aware of the depth and intricacies of knowledge that the girl called Tanya 2.0 possessed about her music. The original Tanya herself admitted that some of these songs and lyrics brought up as requests were almost buried in her memory. Tanya 2.0 was vividly fresh on the lyrical content and was constantly singing along with the Tanya on the stage. Even the crowd was ensnared by her lyrical prowess. Ms Stephens questioned her loyal fan to find out if she still attended school and if her knowledge of her studies were as verse as that of her hobby. It was like an "ooh and aah" session in the room as Tanya Stephens was wondering if she had been the latest victim of Aston Kutcher's show, Punk'd. After numerous songs and jokes from Ms Stephens and requests from her would be successor 2.0 the musical portion of the night came to a close. Salina was eXtremely overwhelmed but manged not to shed any tears of joy. Tanya made it clear to 2.0 that she has been waiting to see someone truly appreciative of her music like 2.0. She also declare her joy at eventually discovering such a person and eXpressed her deepest appreciation to her unquestioned # 1 fan.

The processions of events then continued into an autograph session and photo shoot with fans. The crowd was then greeted to a surprise appearance by Barbee who gave a short sampling of her new hit song. She also took pictures with the crowd and politely signed pictures too. Thus endeth a wonderful night and u missed it. Mu HA Ha Hah. Anyway there were pictures of the show so enjoy.

Salina aka Sunshine aka Tanya 2.0
(fanboys meet your match the fangirl!)

The 2 Tanyas

Shenelle looking hot as usual

Shenelle, Tanya and Me

The original 2 Wild (Shen, Princess, Nichola) & Barbee

For the pictures that didn't make it pass the editing room, go yah soh http://s197.photobucket.com/albums/aa240/BrianMX/